Start the New Year Right

Maybe you’re tired of babysitting all of your devices, dealing with upgrades, downloads, and notifications... and are convinced there must be a SIMPLER way.


Maybe you already HAVE a handle on your screens but want to make sure they’re doing what YOU WANT, not the other way around.


Maybe the digital world is running you ragged even when you’re not online, and YOU’RE READY to take back control.

Either way, my FREE upcoming Digital Declutter event will help.

Intentionality is one of the key principles of living joyfully. The sheer volume of information you’re expected to process on a daily basis makes it difficult to focus on what matters.

To control your digital consumption, I recommend regularly decluttering your phone, computer, email, and social media accounts. I call this digital house cleaning.

Join me for my first FREE Live Digital House-Cleaning Party of 2023.

Sign up right here. I can’t wait to see you soon.

Christina Crook

Seeker, speaker, author, founder at JOMO.

Ambition or Avoidance?


Embrace the Pause